Your bequest is a legacy for future generations. It ensures integrity, authenticity and longevity in the work undertaken by Transport Heritage NSW.
You may wish to leave a legacy by gifting funds or items to THNSW directly in your Will. If you are creating or updating your Will, we suggest contacting a legal advisor to ensure your Will is valid and your wishes are expressed correctly.
The following guidelines may be used in consultation with your advisors when drafting or updating your Will.
Unrestricted Bequest
“I give [my estate] or [portion/the residue of my estate] or [the sum of $___] to Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of THNSW for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Specific Purpose Bequest
“I give [my estate] or [portion/the residue of my estate] or [the sum of $___] to Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) and I express the wish without creating a binding trust that the funds be used and applied for the purposes of _______________________ or, if the purpose no longer exists, for a similar purpose at the discretion of THNSW. I declare that the receipt of the authorised officer of THNSW for the gift shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.”
Please note, while THNSW cannot offer legal advice, we can answer your questions about the life-changing good a gift in your Will would do.
If you prefer to direct your gift for a specific purpose, please contact us to discuss how best to fulfil your legacy wishes.​