Our Annual General Meeting 2018 was held on Saturday 24 November at the NSW Rail Museum. Here are the meeting highlights:
Congratulations to our new life members
Life membership is the highest honour we can bestow on a member. It is awarded for outstanding contribution to THNSW. This year, the Board of Directors recommended 13 people for this award.
Congratulations to our new life members:
Geoffrey Allerton
George Baias
Bruce Coxon
Robert Dickey
Alan Driscoll
Peter Dudgeon
John Fisher
Brett Fitzpatrick
John Knotek
Terry Matchett
Bernie McTackett
Leon Rudd
Jeffrey Snedden
Tribute to champions of heritage transport
The introduction of a new award program recognised four Champions of Heritage Transport. An honour board will forever live inside the NSW Rail Museum and acknowledge the tremendous contributions specific individuals have made to advancing the heritage transport cause within the state of NSW.
Congratulations to the following award recipients, and thank you to the family members and friends who accepted certificates on their behalf:
Peter Berriman
Neal McCusker CBE
William (Bill) McNiven
Douglas Patterson
Reappointment of directors
Alex Claassens was reappointed as an elected director for a further 2 years.
Company Secretary Brett Fitzpatrick announced that the Minister for Transport & Infrastructure, The Hon. Andrew Constance MP, has reappointed Rob Mason as THNSW Chair for a further 1-year term from 1 March 2019.
Brett also announced that the Board has re-elected Leann Meiers for a further 2-year term as a non-elected appointed director.
A new constitution for THNSW
The updated constitution was passed by a majority vote of voting members at the meeting and by proxy. You can find the new constitution by clicking here.
Thank you to all those who joined us for the AGM 2018.