Track works at Colo Vale now complete
The Loop Line Upgrade Project has reached yet another critical milestone with the completion of track works at Colo Vale Station.
These works included:
- Installation of a brand new turnout at the southern end
- Overhaul of the existing turnout at the northern end
- Reconditioning and re-railing of both main and loop track
- Installation of over 1,000-tonnes of new ballast
- Installation of a 40-metre shunting neck.
When the line is reactivated, these works will enable locomotives to run-around at Colo Vale to make the return journey to Thirlmere.
Level crossing upgrades complete

The first stage of level crossings renewals have been undertaken along the Loop Line corridor to Colo Vale.
The existing track panels were removed and replaced with concrete sleepers, heavy duty rail, new flangeway rails, improved drainage and finally, a new bitumen surface installed over the track panel area.
The team will return to the level crossings later in the project for further upgrade works, including establishment of vegetation sight-lines, road surface upgrades, line marking and signage installation.
New playspace for Hill Top Station precinct

Transport Heritage NSW is pleased to have facilitated the signing of an agreement with the NSW Government to pave the way for a new playspace at Hill Top.
Under the agreement, a licence has been granted by the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) to Wingecarribee Shire Council. This licence allows for the development of a playspace adjacent to the station precinct, with construction expected to start this year.
Some of the playspace equipment being installed comes as a result of grant funding secured by the Hill Top Community Association, along with joint advocacy efforts by both the association and Transport Heritage NSW.
For more information on the playspace and its design, see the Wingecaribee Shire Council website