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Loop Line Project Update | 15 July 2024

Works are now well underway on the Loop Line Upgrade Project between Buxton and Colo Vale.

The team are currently focused on re-sleepering the 18.3-kilometre section of track, with more than 15,000 sleepers being replaced.

Already, re-sleepering of a six-kilometre stretch between Colo Vale and Hill Top is complete and will now continue over the coming weeks through Balmoral and onto Buxton.

Looking ahead, planned construction works include:

  • The replacement of the Ligar Street Bridge (Hill Top) with a newly fabricated span.

  • Remediation of a small number of failed culverts.

  • The installation of a turnout at Colo Vale.

  • Geotechnical stabilisation of cuttings.

  • The placement of more than 7,000 tonnes of new ballast right along the reactivated section of line.

Transport Heritage NSW will be hosting community 'drop-in' sessions to answer any of your questions in relation to the Loop Line Upgrade Project at the following locations on Sunday 11 August:

  • 10.00am – 12.00pm: Hill Top Station Precinct

  • 1.00pm – 3.00pm: NSW Rail Museum (inside Main Exhibition Building)

There is no need to register! Just turn up at a time that’s convenient to you at one of the above locations.

For more information visit the Loop Line Upgrade Project page.


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