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Here you'll find our policy documents, procedures and forms to assist you with working safely and effectively.
If you have any questions related to rail safety or operations, please contact:
John Thorogood
Safety, Environment & Quality Manager
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Safety Alerts
Document Reference | Summary | Title |
SA-20250211 | Safety Alert detailing the updates to the Fire Alarm at NSWRM, and changes in SMS-12-OP-1156 - NSW Rail Museum Smoke Alarm Isolation. | Safety Alert - Fire Alarm Disablement at NSW Rail Museum |
SA-20250106 | Safety Alert highlighting the risk of fatigue. | Safety Alert - Fatigue - Recognise the Symptoms |
SA-2024128 | Safety Alert covering the dangers of festive corks. | Safety Alert - Festive Corks |
SA-20241206 | Safety Alert covering Sine, inductions and what to do if Sine won't let you sign-on at site. | Safety Alert - Inductions and Sine |
SA-20241106 | Safety Alert covering the new authorised walking route. at NSWRM. | Safety Alert - NSWRM Authorised Walking Route |
SA-20241025 | Safety Alert - The correct management of the fire and ashpan on steam locomotives. | Safety Alert - Fire and Ashpan Cleaning |
SA-20241024 | Safety Alert covering the change to WHS legislation regarding audiometric testing | Safety Alert - Audiometric Testing Requirements |
SA-20241014 | Safety Alert covering the updates th the health assessment for Rail Safety Workers (RSW) | Safety Alert - New National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers |
SA-20241009 | Safety Alert covering the lessons learnt from the RAIB investigation into the Flying Scotsman collision at Aviemore Station | Safety Alert - Flying Scotsman Collision at Aviemore Station UK |
SA-20241001 | Safety Alert covering management systems documents updated or released in September 2024. | Safety Alert - Management System Updates - September 2024 |
SA-20240926 | Safety Alert covering the correct technique of Securing under-car handbrakes | Safety Alert - Securing Under-car Handbrakes |
SA-20240919 | Safety Alert covering the importance of completing a 'stretch test' when coupling a train with auto-couplers | Safety Alert - Stretch Test When Coupling to a Train |
SA-20240910 | Safety Alert to inform Safeworking Crews of the altered draughting of Locomotive 3265. | Safety Alert - Locomotive 3265 – Altered Draughting |
SA-20240902 | Safety Alert covering management systems documents updated or released in August 2024. | Safety Alert - Management System Updates - August 2024 |
SA-20240812 | Safety Alert on the change in National Terrorism Threat to Probable. | Safety Alert - National Terrorism Threat |
SA-20240727 | Safety Alert on the use of Benchtop and Pedestal Grinders that maps to a matching SWMS that users must follow to be an authorised operator of bench or pedestal grinders. | Safety Alert - Bench and Pedestal Grinders |
SA-20240717 | Safety Alert covering the controls around managing lifting equipment across all THNSW sites | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment (2024) |
SA-20240708 | Safety Alert covering the importance of not riding on outside of rollingstock. This Safety Alert is issued following an incident (THNSW-INC-ID-1012) . | Safety Alert - Riding on Outside of Rollingstock |
SA-20240703 | Safety Alert covering the importance of keeping passenger doors closed on a train in service. This Safety Alert is issued following an incident (THNSW-INC-ID-1011) where a door was opened in traffic. | Safety Alert - Passenger Door Safety |
SA-20240619 | Safety Alert covering Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and flu like viruses. | Safety Alert - More Severe Flu Season |
SA-20240530 | Safety Alert covering location and use of vomit kits at THNSW. | Safety Alert - Vomit Kits at THNSW |
SA-20240528 | Notice explaining registered Assistance Dogs (permitted) vs Emotional Support (companion) animals (not permitted) | Customers with Assistance Dogs or Companion Animals |
SA-20240515 | Safety Alert covering release of updated SMS-06-GD-1323 - Personal Protective Equipment, its selection and use. | Safety Alert - Personal Protective Equipment |
SA-20240508 | Safety Alert covering Violence and Aggression in the Workplace. | Safety Alert - Workplace Violence and Aggression |
SA-20240416 | Safety alert informing workers of Rail Safety Work, and their obligations under Rail Safety National Law (RSNL). | Safety Alert - Rail safety Work |
SA-20240408 | Safety alert consulting the complete THNSW workforce to around loud work completed at THNSW. | Safety Alert - Noise in the Workplace |
SA-20240402 | Safety alert covering recruitment of new members to the Safety Committee at NSWRM. | Safety Alert - NSWRM Safety Committee |
SA-20240312 | Safety alert covering the use of ladders and working at height on THNSW managed site. | Safety Alert - Ladders |
SA-20240220 | Safety Alert on the risks (and consequences of) experiencing fatigue while undertaking high risk work. | Safety Alert - Risks and Consequences of Fatigue |
SA-20240105 | Safety alert covering the risks of selenium rectifiers | Safety Alert - Selenium Rectifiers |
SA-20231220 | Safety Alert on reminding workers to drive safely at all times | Safety Alert - Driving Home for Christmas |
SA-20231208 | Safety Alert on seeking worker input to the Safety and Environment Plan for 2024. | Safety Alert -Safety and Environment Plan |
SA-20231129 | Safety Alert on reminding workers to complete the necessary site inductions for the places they work in or visit. | Safety Alert - Online Safety Inductions |
SA-20231127 | Safety Alert on the importance of maintaining security at THNSW sites. | Safety Alert - Security |
SA-20231116 | Safety Alert on the risks associated with silica | Safety Alert - Be Silica Smart |
SA-20231103 | Safety Alert on the release of the Smoking Policy | Safety Alert - Smoking Policy |
SA-20231101 | Safety Alert on the use of Handheld Circular Saws that maps to a matching SWMS that users must follow to be an authorised operator of handheld circular saws. | Safety Alert - Handheld Circular Saws |
SA-20231025 | Safety alert covering National Safe Work Month | Safety Alert - National Safe Work Month |
SA-20231018 | Safety Alert on the use of Handheld Grinding tools that maps to a matching SWMS that users must follow to be an authorised operator of handheld grinders. | Safety Alert - Handheld Grinders |
SA-20231005 | Safety alert following the issuing of Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia, 2023 by SafeWork Australia | Safety Alert - Don't be a Statistic |
SA-20230915 | Safety Alert covering who can enter the rail corridor. | Safety Alert - Rail Corridor Access |
SA-20230905 | Safety alert covering the use of Fire Hose Reels | Safety Alert - Use of Fire Hose Reels |
SA-20230821 | Safety alert covering the importance not trailing lever fitted points on the Mini Train. | Safety Alert - Mini-Train Point operation |
SA-20230802 | Safety Alert covering the activation of the Fire Suppression systems on the RFN Buffet Car as well as the PHA and PHN Power Vans from ground level. | Safety Alert - RFN & PHN Fire Extinguisher Suppression Buttons |
SA-20230718 | Safety alert covering the importance of effective underframe inspections of rollingstock | Safety Alert - Security of Rolling Stock Mounted Components |
SA-20230717 | Safety alert covering the reporting and escalation of safety concerns with THNSW | Safety Alert - Reporting Safety Concerns |
SA-20230712 | Safety Alert covering the controls around managing lifting equipment across all THNSW sites | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment (2023) |
SA-20230607 | Safety alert covering how THNSW manages the risk of lineside fires. | Safety Alert - Lineside Fires |
SA-20230503 | Safety alert covering changes to RSNL regarding competency. | Safety Alert - Rail Safety National Law - Competency |
SA-20230424 | Safety alert covering not overriding the safety device on the boiler of RFN 2187, and boller operation. | Safety Alert - RFN 2187 Boiler Tap |
SA-20230419 | Safety alert covering the correct use of hand signals in the rail corridor. | Safety Alert - Hand Signals Used in the Rail Corridor. |
SA-20230418 | Safety alert covering the application of rule NTR 432 by THNSW Train Crew. | Safety Alert - Protection & Inspection of In-Service Rail Traffic |
SA-20230210 | Safety alert covering the updated locations of first aid within a typical main line train. | Safety Alert - Main Line First Aid Kits |
SA-20230116 | Safety Alert covering the relocation of the First Aid Kit at the LES | Safety Alert - Large Erecting Shop (LES) First Aid Kit |
SA-20221220 | Safety Alert covering the risks and controls when installing/removing station signs at Thirlmere | Safety Alert - Thirlmere Station Signs |
SA-20221025 | Safety Alert covering the risks and controls of working alone. | Safety Alert - Working Alone |
SA-20221017 | Safety Alert covering the importance of maintaining a safe and tidy workspace, covering the major things everybody can do to improve THNSW's safety performance. | Safety Alert - Safe and Tidy Workspace |
SA-20220923 | Safety Alert covering the importance and method of defect reporting. | Safety Alert - Defect Reporting |
SA-20220921 | Safety Alert covering the importance of thinking about safety all the time, covering the major things everybody can do to improve THNSW's safety performance. | Safety Alert - Think Safety |
SA-20220817 | Safety Alert covering the controls around managing chemicals across all THNSW sites | Safety Alert - Chemicals |
SA-20220707 | Safety Alert covering the controls around managing lifting equipment across all THNSW sites | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment (2022) |
SA-20220624 | Safety Alert covering the risks associated with connecting and disconnecting the Mini Train battery chargers, controllers and batteries. | Safety Alert - Mini Train Batteries |
SA-20220606 | Safety Alert covering the risks from forklifts | Safety Alert - Forklifts |
SA-20220524 | Safety Alert covering the risks from Guano (bird droppings) | Safety Alert - Risks from Guano (bird droppings) |
SA-20220502 | Safety alert covering how to Operate` the Oak St Level Crossing Gates | Safety Alert - Operating the Oak St Level Crossing Gates |
SA-20220321 | Safety Alert covering what to do if you may have been exposed to COVID-19. | Safety Alert - Information for people exposed to COVID-19 |
SA-20220111 | Safety Alert covering the risk of passenger falls from platforms following ONRSR Safety Message dated 20/12/2021. | Safety Alert - Falls Between the Platform and Train |
SA-20220111 | Safety Alert covering the risk of exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) following the issue of a solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) fact sheet | Safety Alert - Exposure to Solar Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) |
SA-20220111 | Safety alert covering how to handle the Passenger Steps at Thirlmere Station | Safety Alert - Handling the passenger steps |
SA-20211202 | Safety Alert covering the importance and methods of good record keeping | Safety Alert - Record Keeping |
SA-20211125 | Notice covering the move away from single use plastic bottles. | Notice - Bottled Water |
SA-20211114 | Safety Alert covering the introduction of the THNSW online training portal | Safety Alert - Online Training |
SA-20211109 | Safety Alert covering the banning of Angle Grinder Wood Cutting Discs on all THNSW sites. | Safety Alert - Angle Grinder Wood Cutting Discs |
SA-20210709 | Safety Alert covering the risks of Hepatitis in the workplace, and it's controls | Safety Alert - Hepatitis in the Workplace |
SA-20210708 | Safety Alert covering new tag colours "in date" lifting equipment and the correct use of lifting equipment | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment |
SA-20210706 | Safety Alert covering increase liklihood of structural failure of ageing assets | Safety Alert - Structural Failure of Ageing Assets |
SA-20210703 | Safety Alert covering the requirement for all to use QR codes at all THNSW sites. | Safety Alert - COVID QR Codes |
SA-20210629 | Safety Alert highlighting the risks of occupational lung diseases | Safety Alert - Occupational Lung Diseases |
SA-20210618 | Safety Alert covering access requirements for the Thirlmere Roundhouse. | Safety Alert - Round House Access |
SA-20210510 | Safety Alert covering the repositioning of the Thirlmere Emmergence Assembly Point. | Safety Alert - NSW Rail Museum Emergency Assembly Point |
SA-20210505 | Safety Alert covering COVID Controls | Safety Alert - COVID Update |
SA-20210412 | Safety Alert covering clipping of Thirlmere Frame B points for facing moves | Safety Alert - Thirlmere Frame B Points |
SA-20210323 | Safety Alert covering the risk of foreign objects on the floor in the workplace. | Safety Alert - Hazards and Risks of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) |
SA-20210318 | Safety Alert covering management of fitness, fatigue, drugs and alcohol. | Safety Alert - Fitness, Fatigue, Drugs and Alcohol |
SA-20210222 | Safety Alert covering protection activities associated with in-service rail traffic, following RailSafe publishing SafeTracks Alert 04-21 | Safety Alert - Protecting activities associated with in-service rail traffic |
SA-20210204 | Safety Alert covering securing corridor boundary gates | Safety Alert - Corridor Boundary Gates |
SA-20210201 | Safety Alert covering updates to Thirlmere Yard, Operating Non-interlocked Points and Boundary Gates. | Safety Alert - Thirlmere Yard Updates |
SA-20210119 | Safety Alert covering the risks of not staying hydrated | Safety Alert - Hydration |
SA-20201208 | Safety Alert highlighting the risk of fatality at work | Safety Alert - Work-Place Fatalities |
SA-20201130 | Safety Alert covering the risks around the Christmas period | Safety Alert - Christmas |
SA-20201127 | Safety Alert covering the management of mentoring | Safety Alert - Guidance for Mentoring |
SA-20201110 | Safety Alert covering the correct wearing of HI-Vis clothing | Safety Alert - High-Visibility Clothing |
SA-20201030 | Safety Alert covering the management of the OTS. | Safety Alert - Ordinary Train Staff (OTS) |
SA-20200813 | Safety Alert covering the correct wearing of face masks during COVID-19 | Safety Alert - COVID-19 - Wearing of Face Masks |
SA-20200807 | Safety Alert covering the new defect reporting process (portal) | Safety Alert - Defect Reporting |
SA-20200727 | Safety alert covering the correct manual handling techniques | Safety Alert - Manual Handling |
SA-20200713 | Safety Alert covering COVID-19 | Safety Alert - COVID-19 Update |
SA-20200512 | Safety Alert covering the requirement to clip points | Safety Alert - Clipping Points |
SA-20200319 | Safety Alert covering COVID-19 | Safety Alert - Novel Coronavirus |
SA-20200319 | Safety Alert covering the correct use of lifting equipment | Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment |
SA-20200305 | Safety Alert covering COVID-19 | Safety Alert - Novel Coronavirus |
SA-20200227 | Safety Alert covering the impacts of hydration on crew | Safety Alert - Crew Hydration |
SA-20200218 | Safety Alert covering the installation of whistle boards on the THR | Safety Alert - Whistle Boards |
SA-20200207a | Safety Alert covering the correct method of storing dangerous goods | Safety Alert - Bunded Dangerous Goods |
SA-20200207 | Safety Alert covering the effects of nicotine withdrawal | Safety Alert - Nicotine Withdrawal |
SA-20200131 | Safety Alert covering mining on the THR | Safety Alert - Thirlmere Heritage Line Mining Impact |
SA-20200123 | Safety Alert covering the operation of 3801 | Safety Alert - Operation of Locomotive 3801 |
SA-20200115 | Safety Alert covering the types and correct use of fire extinguishers | Safety Alert - Fire Extinguishers |
SA-20200109 | Safety Alert covering the management of site visitors | Safety Alert - Site Visitor Management |
SAFE Notices
Document Reference | Title | Summary |
SN-20250307 | Safe Notice - Loop Line Safeworking Arrangements | Safe Notice covering current Loop Line Safeworking arrangements |
SN-20240405 | SAFE Notice - Loop Line Safeworking Arrangements | SAFE Notice covering the Safeworking Arrangements for the Loop line (Buxton open to traffic) |
SN-20240229 | SAFE Notice - Thirlmere and Buxton Turnout Renewals | Safe Notice covering the turnout renewals at Thirlmere and Buxton |
SN-20231005 | SAFE Notice - Lever D Installation | Safe Notice covering Lever D in Thirlmere Yard |
Safety Management System
Document Reference | Summary | Category | Title |
SMS-15-FM-1250 | Sign-on sheet for sites not covered by the Sine system | Form | Sign on Sheet |
SMS-15-SP-1131 | Document describes the organisation’s approach to managing security risks. | Procedures | Security |
SMS-10-GD-1096 | This guide is to be used by Managers and the Health & Safety Committee to display safety information on the Safety Noticeboard.
As a minimum, the following information must be displayed on Safety Noticeboards.
| Guide | Guide to Safety Noticeboards |
SMS-15-FM-1251 | Form to record attendance of meetings, training etc | Form | Attendance Sheet |
SMS-11-FM-1177 | Role assessment for Mini Train Railway Manager | Form | Role Assessment - Mini Train Manager |
SMS-05-SP-1001 | This document is to describe the management and control of documents within the Transport Heritage NSW Safety Management System (SMS), including Engineering Standards. | Procedures | Document Control |
SMS-12-OP-1255 | This Mini Train Manual specifies inspection, maintenance and operational procedures for the Mini Train at the NSW Rail Museum | Operating Procedure | Mini Train Manual |
SMS-01-TP1051 | Template of the ONRSR Safety Performance Report | Template | Safety Performance Report Template |
SMS-01-GD-1090 | Glossary of terms used in the SMS | Guide | SMS Glossary |
SMS-15-FM-1560 | Form to be used to help receivers of bomb threats to record important information | Form | Bomb Threat Checklist |
SMS-15-GD-1638 | Flip-chart guide for incident response during train operations | Guide | Incident Response Guide |
SMS-15-SP-1863 | Plan covering emergency planning and responses for Thirlmere | Procedures | Emergency Management Plan - Thirlmere |
SMS-12-FM-1212 | This form is to be completed when the ANNUAL Inspection of Carriages and Wagons
(i.e. hauled rolling stock) is being undertaken. | Form | Annual Inspection - RS |
SMS-19-TP-1832 | Template for internal audit reports | Template | Audit Report Template |
SMS-11-TA-1346 | Off job assessment for part 2 of Staff and Ticket course | Training Assessment | Staff and Ticket Working - Part 2 - Off Job Assessment |
SMS-11-AG-1343 | Off job assessment for part 1 of Staff and Ticket course (with assessors marking guide) | Assessment Guide | Staff and Ticket Working – Part 1 Off Job Assessment (marking guide) |
SMS-15-OP-1081 | The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure to determine and communicate the first aid requirements for a site. It also describes the process to determine the first aid competency requirements and the on-going review of the first aid requirements. | Procedures | First Aid Requirements |
SMS-01-SP-1061 | This document describes the process for establishing and maintaining a Safety Management System (SMS) to ensure that it conforms to legislative and regulatory requirements. | Procedures | Safety Management System and Legislation |
SMS-11-TM-1345 | Participants Workbook for part 2 of Staff and Ticket course | Training Manual | Staff and Ticket Working – Part 2 - Participants Workbook |
SMS-11-TM-1344 | Presenters notes for part 2 of Staff and Ticket course | Training Manual | Staff and Ticket Working – Part 2 - Presenters notes |
SMS-11-TM-1341 | Participants Workbook for part 1 of Staff and Ticket course | Training Manual | Staff and Ticket Working – Part 1 - Participants Workbook |
SMS-11-TM-1340 | Presenters notes for part 1 of Staff and Ticket course | Training Manual | Staff and Ticket Working – Part 1 - Presenters notes |
SMS-12-GD-1154 | The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that THNSW drivers can safely and reliably operate the DTRS feature on the ICE Radio equipment fitted to THNSW locomotives.
The scope of this procedure applies to THNSW drivers, using DTRS, on THNSW ICE radios fitted to THNSW locomotives. The procedure has been drafted by Base2 and supplied by TfNSW to all operators. | Guide | Guide to Digital Train Radio System (DRTS) |
SMS-12-OP-1156 | Procedure defines the process to manage the fire alarms, preventing false activation by the emissions from train operations at the NSW Rail Museum (Thirlmere). | Procedures | NSW Rail Museum Smoke Alarm Isolation |
SMS-12-OP-1071 | Describes the processes by which Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Engineering Standards are created, amended, maintained and used. | Procedures | Engineering Standard |
SMS-08-FM-177 | Guide THNSW workers in the setup of a safe alternative workplace environment. Workers should complete the checklist and discuss any requirements relative to their health and safety with their manager. This checklist is to be completed by the THNSW worker intending to work from home or alternative location. It should be completed by the worker and should be reviewed by their manager prior to commencing working from home or the alternative location. | Form | Work from Home - Alternate Location Checklist |
SMS-06-FM-1164 | Form to record toolbox meeting | Form | Toolbox Meeting |
SMS-06-FM-1107 | Form to complete a risk assessment | Form | Risk Assessment |
SMS-06-FM-1163 | Form to document a Pre-work breifing | Form | Pre-Work Briefing |
SMS-12-OS-0500 | Outlines all workers responsibilities regarding the inspection of wheels on all operational locomotives and hauled rolling stock. | Procedures | Wheel Inspections |
SMS-10-FM-1555 | Template for Site Heath and Safety Committee (agenda and minutes) | Form | Site Health & Safety Committee Meeting Agenda/Minutes |
SMS-12-OS-0230 | Provides guidance to Safeworking Crew of THNSW trains in the best practise for train handling, reducing the risk to equipment (couplers & draw gear) and passengers that can arise from sudden jerking movements or interrupted train dynamics. | Procedures | Train Handling Procedure |
SMS-06-FM-1165 | Card issued by THNSW to authorise persons to enter a cab | Form | Cab Pass Card |
SMS-12-OS-0107 | This procedure ensures the prompt and appropriate actions and reporting regarding dealing with fires on trains and in the Rail Corridor. | Procedures | Dealing with Fires on Trains and in the Rail Corridor |
SMS-06-RG-1329 | Register of Confined Spaces | Register | Confined Spaces Register |
SMS-06-FM-1108 | Risk Assessment for and permit for confined spaces | Form | Confined Space Risk Assessment & Permit |
SMS-06-OP-1037 | This procedure defines the processes for identifying, controlling and managing risks associated with confined spaces. | Procedures | Confined Spaces |
SMS-01-RG-1148 | Defines the requirements (legislation standards etc.) that THNSW need to comply with. | Register | Legal Requirements Register |
SMS-02-OP-1056 | This document defines the approach THNSW uses to develop and maintain it’s safety culture. | Procedures | Safety Culture |
SMS-12-OS-0224 | This procedure ensures that refuelling of THNSW diesel-fuelled locomotives and power vans is carried out so as to;
• Minimise the risk of injury/harm to workers undertaking refuelling operations
• Minimise the risk of spillage of fuel and hence damage to the environment; and
• Ensure any spills are contained and cleaned up promptly. | Procedures | Refuelling of Diesel Fuelled Locomotives |
SMS-12-OS-0401 | This procedure ensures the safe operation of Track Maintenance Vehicles (TMVs) on the Thirlmere Heritage Railway (THR). | Procedures | Operation of Track Maintenance Vehicles |
SMS-12-FM-1237 | Form used to check key safety items prior to use of a Track Vehicle | Form | Track Vehicle Pre-Check |
SMS-12-OS-0221 | This procedure ensures that non-operational personnel or guests do not ride in locomotive cabs unless authorized and appropriate controls to ensure their safety are in place. | Procedures | Locomotive Cab Rides |
SMS-11-FM-1184 | Traction Assessment used to assess competency for Class 32 Locomotives | Form | Traction Assessment - Class 32 |
SMS-11-FM-1123 | Role assessment used to assess competency of Track Vehicle operators | Form | Role Assessment - Track Vehicle Operator |
SMS-12-OS-0308 | This procedure provides instruction on the placement and removal of flags on rolling stock. | Procedures | Placing and Removal of Flags on Rollingstock |
SMS-07-FM-1049 | Form used to assess the impact of a change on safety | Form | Safety Change Assessment Form (SCAF) |
SMS-07-OP-1086 | This procedure details the processes and procedures to reduce safety risk exposure So Far As is Reasonably Practicable (SFAIRP) for all changes (engineering, operational or organizational) that could impact the safe operation of THNSW | Procedures | Managing Safety Change |
SMS-08-OP-1140 | This procedure ensures that Rail Operations Rail Safety Workers (RSW) rostered for duty are appropriately competent and medically fit to perform their assigned role. | Procedures | Rostering & Operational Capability |
SMS-08-OP-1129 | This procedure explains the processes to ensure the risk of fatigue is managed for Rail Safety Workers (RSW). | Procedures | Manage Fatigue Risks |
SMS-17-TP-1158 | Template for Level 3 Investigation Report | Template | Level 2 Investigation Report |
SMS-17-TP-1157 | Template for Level 3 Investigation Report | Template | Level 3 Investigation Report |
SMS-11-GD-1274 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Customer Services. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Customer Services |
SMS-11-GD-1273 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Guards. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Guard |
SMS-11-SP-1011 | This procedure details the processes to manage worker competency within THNSW, with the aim of ensuring that all workers have the required competency to complete their allocated tasks safely. | Procedures | Worker Competence |
SMS-12-FM-1265 | Form used to record maintenance required and completed. One form per item of rolling stock | Form | Rolling Stock Record |
SMS-12-OS-0207 | This Procedure provides guidance to Train Crew in responding to an incapacitated Driver or Guard, and provides details of the procedures required to ensure that self-propelled rail-motors and rail-cars are operated, manned and maintained so as to provide for the eventuality of the driver becoming incapacitated. | Procedures | Responding to Incapacitated Train Crew |
SMS-11-GD-1271 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Firemen. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Fireman |
SMS-11-GD-1275 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Diesel Drivers | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Diesel Driver |
SMS-11-GD-1276 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Second Persons. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Second Person |
SMS-11-GD-1272 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Operational Fleet Support. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Operational Fleet Support |
SMS-11-GD-1277 | Diagram showing Role Development Pathway for Steam Drivers. | Guide | THNSW Role Pathway - Steam Driver |
SMS-11-GD-1270 | Diagram showing Rail Operations Role Pathways. | Guide | THNSW Rail Operations Role Pathways |
SMS-12-GD-1154 | Guide for for the correct use of the Digital Train Radio System (DTRS) | Guide | Guide to Digital Train Radio System |
SMS-18-SP-1078 | This document is to describes the process for managing Safety Actions arising from:
1) The identification of actual or potential failed or absent risk controls
2) Non-conformances from internal audit
3) Non-conformances from external audit | Procedures | Safety Action Management |
SMS-12-OS-0217 | This Procedure ensures that sufficient handbrakes are applied to secure a train against movement if:
• The Driver needs to leave the train for more than five minutes
• Insufficient main reservoir pressure is available to operate the braking system e.g. the compressor may have stopped due to engine shut down, loss of steam pressure etc. | Procedures | Securing a Train on the Network |
SMS-12-OS-0204 | This Procedure ensures that train crew operating Transport Heritage NSW trains respond correctly to on-train alarms.
There are two types of alarms:
1. Passenger Alarms
2. Fire Alarms | Procedures | Responding to On-train Alarms |
SMS-12-FM-1500 | Form used to record the issuing of radios | Form | THNSW Radio Issue Form |
SMS-12-OS-0210 | This Procedure provides the method of safe, clear and concise communications between Rail Safety Workers using two-way radios. | Procedures | Using Train or Handheld Radios |
SMS-05-TP-0511 | Report Template for reports for THNSW where a specific template is not specified. | Template | Report Template |
SMS-06-TP-0026 | Template for Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) | Template | Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) Template |
SMS-08-OP-1126 | The document describes the process for implementing the THNSW Drug and Alcohol Management Program (DAMP) to rail safety and non-rail safety workers to:
• Manage risk of drugs and alcohol in the workplace
• Maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace | Procedures | Implement Drug & Alcohol Management Program (DAMP) |
SMS-12-FM-1214 | This form is to be completed when the Inspection and testing of the AIR BRAKE system for single/individual carriages and wagons (aka SCAT) is being undertaken. | Form | Air Test & Inspection |
SMS-12-FM-1209 | This form is to be completed when the PRE-TRIP Inspection of 1803 'Thomas' is being undertaken | Form | Pre-trip Inspection - 1803 Thomas |
SMS-12-FM-1203 | This form is to be completed when the Inspection and testing of steam locomotive AIR COMPRESSORS is being undertaken | Form | Air Compressor Test |
SMS-12-FM-1217 | This form is to be completed when the ANNUAL Inspection of Railcars and Rail Motors is being undertaken. | Form | Annual Inspection - RM |
SMS-12-FM-1218 | This form is to be completed when the FIVE YEARLY Inspection of Railcars and Rail Motors is being undertaken. | Form | Five Year Inspection - RM |
SMS-12-FM-1216 | This form is to be completed when the PRE-TRIP Inspection of Railcars and Rail Motors is being undertaken | Form | Pre-trip Inspection - RM |
SMS-10-TP-1041 | Template for procedures in THNSW SMS | Template | Procedure Template |
SMS-06-FM-1390 | Details the minimum requirements that third (3rd) party sector groups need to achieve when completing work at a THNSW managed site | Form | 3rd Party Sector Requirements for THNSW Site Access |
SMS-06-GD-0601 | Matrix for assessing risk | Guide | Safety Risk Matrix |
SMS-10-TP-1042 | Notice Template | Template | Notice Template |
SMS-15-SP-1252 | This Plan covers the actions, and responsibilities in delivering those actions, during foreseeable emergency events (safety & environment) during rail operations. | Procedures | Operations Safety Management Plan |
SMS-16-FM-1621 | Daily Check list for Mini Train at NSWRM | Form | Mini Train Checklist |
SMS-12-OS-0208 | This procedure provides details of the specific procedures required to ensure the safety of passengers travelling on trains operated by Transport Heritage NSW. | Procedures | Passenger Safety |
SMS-12-PR-1254 | This procedure explains the process applied to ensure the risks associated with the erecting, use and dismantling of marquees are managed SFAIRP.
Marquees provide shelter to workers (and customers) from the effects of weather (wind and rain) and solar ultraviolet radiation, while also providing some business continuity protection from the effects of the same. | Procedures | Manage Marquees |
SMS-06-OP-1043 | This procedure describes the requirements for documenting, communicating, implementing and reviewing safe work practices. | Procedures | Manage Risks Using Safe Work Practices |
SMS-13-SP-1380 | This document details to processes to ensure Contractors/Suppliers of goods and/or services:
* Meet Work Health Safety (WHS) requirements
*Meet Rail Safety National Law (RSNL) requirements
* Meet quality requirements | Procedures | Contractor Management |
SMS-04-SP-1064 | This document is to describes the Transport Heritage NSW system for managing safety during all phases of the asset lifecycle. The asset lifecycle phases are; acquisition, operation, maintenance/improvement and disposal. | Procedures | Asset Lifecycle Managment |
SMS-09-OP-1023 | The purpose of this document is to describe the management and control of safety records generated by Transport Heritage NSW. | Procedures | Manage Safety Records |
SMS-09-SP-1021 | SMS-09-SP-1021 has been superseded by SMS-09-OP-1023 | Procedures | Records Management |
SMS-12-OS-0312 | This document details of the procedures required to ensure that all environmental risks are managed while operating trains. | Procedures | Operations Environment Management |
SMS-06-FM-1382 | Form to be used to control the risks associated with hot work | Form | Hot Work Permit |
SMS-06-OP-1039 | This procedure describes the process for identifying, controlling and managing risks associated with hot works. | Procedures | Managing Risk with Hot Works |
SWMS-20220607 | Safe Work Method Statement for Forklift operators at THNSW (generic) | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Forklifts at THNSW |
SMS-17-FM-1862 | Form used to report incidents or injuries, when it is not possible to use the online portal | Form | Incident-Injury Report Form |
SMS-06-FM-1106 | Form | Hazard Report Form | |
SMS-06-FM-1105 | Indemnity form used for Cab Rides for non-THNSW workers. | Form | Indemnity Form |
SMS-12-PR-0962 | The Signalling Technical Maintenance Plan (TMP) provides a comprehensive list of all scheduled maintenance specified for the signalling application | Procedures | Signal Maintenance Service Schedules |
SMS-12-PR-1001 | This Infrastructure Manual is a Base Line Operating and Track Infrastructure Standard for the the THNSW Rail Network | Procedures | Infrastructure Manual |
THN GM 001 | This manual explains the context of and introduces the Tourist and Heritage Network (THN) Engineering Standards, including associated documents such as engineering manuals and engineering specifications. | Manual | Engineering Standards System Manual |
SMS-12-PR-0961 | Procedures | Signals Technical Maintenance Plan Data | |
SMS-12-SP-0972 | This procedure sets out the requirements for the requisition, assessment and authorisation of engineering standards waivers to THNSW engineering standards. It applies to all engineering disciplines. It also establishes similar requirements for TOC waivers for the variation of train operating conditions. | Procedures | Engineering Standard |
SMS-06-OP-1031 | Procedure covering the management of hazardous materials (including asbestos) lead paint and silica) and chemicals. | Procedures | Manage Risks With Hazardous Materials |
THN SD 016 | Standard within the Engineering Manual describing signal design principles for controls and indicators | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Controls and Indications |
THN CM 401 | These guidelines present an assessment methodology to rank the risk to the safety of rail operations and infrastructure arising from geotechnical problems. | Manual | Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Hazard Management Guidelines |
THN SD 000 | Introduction to Signalling Standards used on a Tourist and Heritage Network (THN) | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Introduction |
SMS-12-OS-0235 | This procedure ensures the timely and proper reporting of Engineering Defects (faults) related to rollingstock, rail infrastructure and facilities operated by Transport Heritage NSW. | Procedures | Reporting Engineering Defects |
THN SD 022 | This Principle addresses the requirements for labelling distances on signalling plans and specifically in train order areas. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Measurement |
SMS-17-FM-1518 | Form used to record a post incident D&A test completed by an authorised THNSW D&A tester. | Form | Post Event Drug & Alcohol Testing Report |
SMS-17-SP-1077 | Process to manage the reporting and investigation of incidents. | Procedures | Incident Reporting & Investigation |
SMS-12-FM-1266 | Form used to record the preparation and disposal; of a Steam Locomotive | Form | Firemans Loco Prep & Disposal Checklist |
SMS-11-FM-1019 | Form to record local safety induction where a Site Specific Induction on Sine isn't present | Form | Local Safety Induction Form |
SMS-06-FM-1045 | Form used to check if required controls are in place to mitigate the risks associated with working alone | Form | Working Alone Checklist |
SMS-08-FM-1955 | Form used to record training by authorised person of operators of the Golf Buggy at Thirlmere | Form | Golf Buggy Record of Training |
SMS-06-SP-0610 | This procedure and checklist outlines the procedures to be undertaken to ensure the safe operation of the THNSW Golf Buggy | System Procedure | Safe operating procedure – golf buggy |
SMS-01-PO-1152 | Fatigue Management Policy for THNSW | Policy | Fatigue Management Policy |
SMS-01-PO-1153(pdf) | Drug and Alcohol Policy, defining the commitment to apply the drug and alcohol program (DAMP) | Policy | Drug and Alcohol Policy |
SMS-01-PO-0111 | Safety Policy for THNSW | Policy | Safety Policy |
SMS-01-PO-1154 | Environment Policy for THNSW | Policy | Environment Policy |
IMS-23-FM-2306 | Form used to inform Herbicide Applicator of what herbicide to use, where and how it is to be applied, and safety and environments controls to be in place. | Form | Herbicide Applicators Instruction |
IMS-23-TP-2309 | Sign used to notify community of the application of pesticides | Template | Public Area Pesticide Use Sign |
IMS-23-FM-2307 | Form used to record application of herbicide | Form | Record of Daily Herbicide Application |
IMS-23-RG-2305 | Register of approved pesticides/herbicides, and required competency. | Register | Herbicide Register |
IMS-23-SP-2302 | This procedure details the management of the application of herbicides on THNSW operated sites, in order to protect the environment from pesticide misuse; and to protect staff, contractors and the public from pesticide misuse. | Procedures | Herbicide Application |
SMS-11-FM-1103 | Competence assessment for Level Crossing Attendant | Form | Role Assessment – Level Crossing Attendant |
IMS-23-FM-2310 | Form used to record assessment of an exempt development as per IMS-23-SP-2304 - Environment Impact Assessment | Form | EXEMPT DEVELOPMENT RECORD (EDR) |
SMS-16-FM-1710 | Form used to document an inspection of a workplace (site or area) | Form | Workplace Inspection Checklist |
SMS-06-FM-0620 | Form used to records hazardous materials inspection. | Form | Periodic HAZMAT Inspection |
SMS-11-FM-1186 | Competency assessment for class 30 Locomotive | Form | Traction Assessment - 30 Class |
SWMS-20230228 | SWMS covering the operation of 8.5t Hitachi ZX85 Excavator and associated equipment | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Operate 8.5t Hitachi ZX85 Excavator - TH01 and associated equipmen |
SMS-12-OS-0404 | Work Instructions when operating Quadricycle/Trikes on the THR including stabilig. | Operating Procedure | Quadricycle or Trike Work Operating Instruction |
SMS-03-TP-1315 | Template document used to document the responsibilities for managing safety on a site where multiple organisations share responsibility. e.g. custodian sites | Template | Site Responsibility Agreement |
SMS-08-PD-1920 | Role Description and Risk Assessment for the role of On-Board Services (Passenger Attendant) (Mainline and Thirlmere Heritage Railway) | Position Description | Safety Role Description - On-Board Services |
SWMS-202230329 | Safe Work Method Statement for table circular saw operators at THNSW (generic) | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Table Circular Saw |
SWMS-20230815 | Safe Work Method Statement Inspection of Locomotive with Asbestos Marked as Urgent or Attention in accordance with SMS-06-OP-1031 – Manage Risks with Hazardous Materials | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Inspection of Locomotive with Asbestos Marked as Urgent or Attention |
SMS-12-OP-1087 | This document sets out engineering standards for:
• Operation of the heritage rolling stock in the custody or ownership of the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW),
• Operation of heritage rolling stock hired from other heritage rail operators, and
• Inspection and maintenance of that equipment. | Procedures | Rolling Stock Inspection and Maintenance |
HNGE 204 | This procedure prescribes the rules for spoken and written communication in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Network Communications |
HNGE 200 | This procedure prescribes the rules for walking safely in the Danger Zone | Procedures | Walking in the Danger Zone |
HNGE 206 | This procedure prescribes the rules for reporting and responding to unsafe conditions affecting or potentially affecting the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Reporting and Responding to a Condition Affecting the Network (CAN) |
HNGE 202 | This procedure prescribes the rules for the use of hand signals | Procedures | Hand signals |
HNGE 208 | This procedure prescribes the rules for responding to a Major Incident in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Responding to Major Incident |
SMS-01-PO-0112 | Smoking Policy covering all THNSW Sites | Policy | Smoking Policy |
SMS-08-OP-1150 | Form used to collect required information for potential new Rail Safety Workers to THNSW. | Form | Rail Safety Worker Application |
SMS-12-FM-1226 | Form used to record the examination of drainage & earthworks as per the Infrastructure Manual | Form | Examination of Drainage & Earthworks |
SMS-12-FM-1272 | Form used to record the examination of miscellaneous structures & water columns as per the Infrastructure Manual | Form | Examination of Miscellaneous Structures & Water Columns |
SMS-12-FM-1270 | Form used to record the examination of platform structures as per the Infrastructure Manual | Form | Examination of Platform Structure |
SMS-12-FM-1271 | Form used to record the examination of overbridges as per the Infrastructure Manual | Form | Examination of Overbridges |
SMS-12-FM-1225 | Form used to record a walking inspection as per the Infrastructure Manual | Form | Detailed Walking Inspection |
SWMS-20231017 | SWMS identifying risks and controls for using grinders | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Using handheld angle grinders |
SWMS-20231006 | SWMS covering the use of hand held circular saws | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Using Hand Held Circular Saws |
HNGE 212 | This procedure prescribes the rules about access to Transport Heritage NSW Network information | Procedures | Network Information Publications |
HNGE 216 | This procedure prescribes the rules for using level crossings in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Level Crossings |
THN SD 035 | The original draft of this signal design principle was authored by Warwick Allison (FIRSE) in February 2023 to record the design requirements of a mechanical interlocking in the modern signal design principle format. It aims to give a wholistic appreciation of the technology and implementation: where more detail is provided in other signal design principles cross references are provided. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Mechanical Signalling |
THN SD 004 | This principle addresses the concept of an overlap to provide a margin of safety between following trains and provides definition for of the terms associated with overlaps. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Overlaps |
THN SD 007 | This Principle addresses the requirements for the provision of block circuit controls on single line sections. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Single Line Sections |
THN SD 014 | This Principle addresses the concepts and definitions relating to certain types of points referred to throughout these Principles and about the descriptions and definitions currently accepted. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Points |
THN SD 003 | This Principle addresses the concepts and definitions of braking distance and its effect on the requirements and design of a signalling system. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Braking Distance |
THN SD 002 | This Principle addresses the concept of headway and provides further definitions and concepts for the various factors affecting headway. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Headway |
THN SD 006 | This Principle addresses the type of and provision of commonly used Notice Signs at strategic locations for safeworking and advisory purposes. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Signs |
THN SD 001 | This Principle addresses the form of signals, the descriptions and definitions currently accepted and in use throughout these Signal Design Principles. | Manual | Signalling Design Principles - Signals |
THN GM 004 | This manual ensures that THN Engineering publications are of a consistently high standard and a similar format. | Manual | Writing Requirements and Guidelines For Engineering Standards |
THN SD 032 | This glossary is a collection of common railway signalling terms and their meanings according to historical usage by signalling engineers in the NSW railways. | Manual | Glossary of Signalling Terms |
THN SC 006 | This Specification sets out THN’s requirements for the preparation, content and presentation of design and design related documentation and drawings for new and altered signalling Works. | Manual | Signalling Documentation and Drawings |
THN SQ 001 | To define the procedure to issue new Signalling Functional Specification. | Manual | Signal Engineering Management |
THN SM 010 | This manual describes the installation, adjustment and maintenance of switch rollers on 53kg and 60kg conventional and 60kg tangential turnouts. | Manual | Switch Rollers |
SMS-12-PR-0960 | The Signalling Technical Maintenance Plan (TMP) provides a comprehensive list of all scheduled maintenance specified for the signalling application. Additionally, the plan provides a brief description of the configuration of the application. | Procedures | Signals Technical Maintenance Plan Standard |
THN SM 004 | This manual has been prepared for maintainers and installers of mechanical signalling equipment and describes the operation, maintenance and installation of 2 and 3-lever ground frames, the channel rodding drives from the ground frame to the points and of the non-trailable mechanical points equipment. | Manual | Mechanical Points and Ground Frames |
HNGE 232 | This procedure prescribes the responsibilities of Train Crews and track vehicle crews in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Responsibilities of Train Crews & Track Vehicle Crews |
HNGE 230 | This procedure prescribes the rules for use of communications equipment in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Communications Equipment |
SWMS-20231106 | SWMS for the arrival of rolling stock by road to Chullora Tank Annex (CHH) | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Chullora -Arrival of rolling stock by road |
SWMS-20231108 | SWMS for the placement of rolling stock in the Chullora Tank Annex (CHH) using the raised track panel. | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Chullora - Rolling stock placed in tank annex using the raised track panel |
SWMS-20231107 | SWMS for the placement of rolling stock in the Chullora Tank Annex (CHH) using the raised track ramp panel. | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Chullora - Rolling stock placed in tank annex using the ramp |
SMS-12-FM-1204 | Form used to record the Drivers Brake Inspection (GX) | Form | Drivers Brake Inspection Certificate General (GX) |
SMS-11-FM-1187 | Form used to complete a traction assessment for a 48 Class locomotive as per SMS-11-SP-1011 | Form | Traction Assessment - Class 48 |
SA-20231003 | SWMS covering the operation of the Truck Placer SHX18 at Chullora Heritage Hub/Tank Annex | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Operate Truck Placer SHX18 |
SMS-10-TP-1040 | Template used for the creation of SAFE Notices | Template | SAFE Notice Template |
SMS-10-TP-1041 | Template used for the creation of Safety Alerts | Template | Safety Alert Template |
SMS-10-TP-1046 | Template for procedures in THNSW SMS | Template | Procedure Template |
SMS-10-SP-1070 | Procedure defining the mechanisms for dissemination of safety information and worker consultation, including WHS Committees. | Procedures | Communication and Consultation |
SMS-15-SP-1864 | Plan covering emergency planning and responses for Chullora Tank Annex | Procedures | Emergency Management Plan - Chullora Tank Annex |
SWMS-20231211 | Safe Work Method Statement for Ride-on Floor Sweeper operators at Chullora Heritage Hub Tank Annex | Safe Work Method Statement | SWMS - Operate Floor Sweeper |
SMS-12-FM-1227 | This form is to be completed when any Track and Corridor infrastructure is to be booked in or booked out of use. | Form | Infrastructure Booking Authority Form |
HNWT 310 | This procedure prescribes the rules for working in the Danger Zone without a work on track authority using Lookouts as the only safety measure | Procedures | Lookout Working |
HNWT 312 | This procedure prescribes the rules for recording and notifying changes to the Transport Heritage NSW Network due to the installation or removal of infrastructure | Procedures | Infrastructure Booking Authority |
HNGE 238 | This procedure prescribes the responsibilities of Network Controllers in the Transport Heritage NSW Network | Procedures | Responsibilities of Network Controllers |
HNTR 400 | This procedure prescribes the rules for protecting trains in the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Network | Procedures | Protecting Trains |
HNTR 404 | This procedure prescribes the rules using train brakes safely in the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Network. | Procedures | Using Brakes |
SMS-08-TP-1950 | Template used to assess and define safety requirements for roles within THNSW | Template | Safety Role Description Template.docx |
SMS-08-PD-1943 | Role Description and Risk Assessment for the role of First Aider | Position Description | Safety Role Description - First Aider |
SMS-16-FM-1623 | This procedure and checklist outlines the procedures to be undertaken to ensure the safe operation of the THNSW Ride-on Floor Sweeper | Form | Inspection Checklist - Ride-on Floor Sweeper |
HNTR 406 | This procedure prescribes the rules for using train lights for identification and warning in the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Network. | Procedures | Using Train Lights |
HNTR 410 | This procedure prescribes the rules for responding to train equipment failure during travel in the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Network. | Procedures | Defective Equipment |
HNTR 408 | This procedure prescribes the rules for using train whistles in the Transport Heritage NSW (THNSW) Network. | Procedures | Using Train Whistles |
SMS-12-TM-1260 | This Training Manual is for the purposes of training Drivers and Guards undertaking the safe operation of the CPH Rail Motors. | Training Manual | Operators Manual - CPH |
THN SP 000 | This manual outlines the requirements to be followed when maintaining, interfering with and attending to failures of the operational signalling infrastructure and systems. | Manual | Manual J Cover Page and Index |
THN SP 004 | This document details the processes for managing failures on a THN network. | Manual | Failures |
THN SP 034 | This document details the custody, storage and dispatch of signalling keys and Staffs | Manual | Custody Storage Use and Dispatch of Staffs and Keys |
THN SP 018 | This document defines the processes for the depot overhaul of signalling operating equipment. | Manual | Depot Overhaul of Vital Signalling Equipment |
THN SP 017 | This document defines the responsibilities for signaling workers with regard to maintenance frequencies and recording of work completed. | Manual | Maintenance Responsibilities, Frequencies, Recording |
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